Confusion. Repetition. Musical hypnosis and drum patterns. Hope. Cities underwater. Kindness. The texture of a community. Care. For the last couple years this is some of what's occupied Nick Hakim. The New York-based musician works out of a pleasantly cluttered loft studio in Ridgewood, and like so much of the city, it's a neighborhood of deep history that's in flux; if you spend even a little time there you might start to wonder about what the future holds, and what it means to be someone's neighbor. Hakim's been wondering about it, and his new album WILL THIS MAKE ME GOOD is something like a response. In 2017, Hakim's debut album, the critically acclaimed Green Twins, announced the singer-songwriter as an idiosyncratic talent, making music that resists genre classification
With WILL THIS MAKE ME GOOD?, we located key champions at radio and online throughout the album campaign, working alongside a large international team to filter through news and awareness of the project.
With WILL THIS MAKE ME GOOD?, we located key champions at radio and online throughout the album campaign, working alongside a large international team to filter through news and awareness of the project.